Asian American Parents: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Children

Asian American families may often experience misunderstandings and may not feel well equipped to support LGBTQ+ youth due to generational, cultural, and language barriers. Given Pride month, COVID-related mental health challenges, and recent events impacting LGBTQ+ healthcare, we want to create a safe space for Asian American families to learn about and discuss sexuality and gender, and how to best support LGBTQ+ youth. In addition to our speakers and CHIPAO skit, a mother of a transgender child will join our workshop to share her experiences and advice.

Our workshop will include:

  • Speakers from Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanford Medicine

  • An educational role play about coming out

  • A mother of a transgender child will share her experiences and advice

We invite all those who are interested in learning about how to support LGBTQ+ youth - especially parents and caregivers in Asian American families. Participants can remain anonymous, and this event will not be recorded. Registration required for Zoom video conference link.

Can you let me know what virtual meeting resources we can use?  

Virtual Meeting Resources: Poll Everywhere (, Padlet (, Flip Grid, Kudoboard, and Icebreaker 

Learning Resources

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance

  • Multilingual Leaflets - Educational fact sheets in over 20 languages geared towards helping AAPI parents learn about LGBTQ+ identity and debunk common stereotypes

  • Family is Still Family – Multilingual PSA campaign – NQAPIA - Videos of LGBTQ+ children and AAPI families

  • Coming Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander Americans by NQAPIA and Human Rights Campaign Foundation (LIVING AUTHENTICALLY): LGBTQ resource guide helping Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders with the coming out process.

Asian and Pacific Islander Family Pride – In API Homes, All Children Are Welcome
•    Organization for LGBTQ+ API families, providing resources and contacts

PFLAG: PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies.

API Equality


We are clinicians, educators, and researchers who are passionate about understanding and promoting the emotional health and psychological resilience of students and scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Anti-Blackness and Racism in the Asian Community


Understanding and Supporting Asian International Students during COVID-19