Stella Park

Stella Park is currently a Master of Public Health candidate at the Boston University School of Public Health, concentrating in Community Assessment, Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation focusing on Mental Health and Substance Use. She received a B.S in Health Sciences from Boston University in 2017 and has since experienced working as a residential counselor at an eating disorder center and a research study assistant. Stella joined the Center in the summer of 2021 as a practicum student volunteer, working closely on the factsheet initiative in collaboration with ‘Stop AAPI Hate’ and participating as a member of the ‘Pan-Asian Mental Health Professional Development Conference’ planning committee. As a first-generation Asian American, she has always been passionate about the mental health disparities and stigma across minority communities. She hopes to pursue a career in designing community health programs that help prevent and promote mental health in Asian communities.


We are clinicians, educators, and researchers who are passionate about understanding and promoting the emotional health and psychological resilience of students and scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Marie Kung


Allison Green